Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tahun Ini, LJUN Jadi Satu dengan Soal

DEPOK - Selain melipatgandakan jumlah paket soal, Ujian Nasional (UN) 2013 juga menyajikan hal baru. Pada UN yang rencananya berlangsung mulai 15 April mendatang, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) akan menyatukan lembar soal dengan lembar jawaban UN (LJUN).

Hal tersebut diungkap Kabalitbang Kemendikbud Khairil Anwar selepas diskusi dalam Rembuk Nasional Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (RNPK) 2013. Khairil menyatakan, penyatuan LJUN dengan lembar soal dimaksudkan untuk meminimalisasi kebocoran soal.

"Untuk meminimalisasi kebocoran soal, berbeda dengan tahun lalu, naskah soal dan lembar jawaban menjadi satu. Selain itu, kami ingin mengantisipasi jika ada peserta ujian yang salah menulis kode soal karena di LJUN sudah ada barcode soal," kata Khairil.

Oleh karena itu, lanjut Khairil, ketika LJUN maupun naskah soal mengalami kerusakan, maka harus mengganti secara satu paket. "Kalau ada yang rusak, harus minta ganti dalam satu paket. Bukan LJUN atau naskah soal saja," imbuhnya.

UN Utama tingkat SMA dijadwalkan digelar pada 15-18 April 2013. Nantinya, nilai UN akan menjadi salah satu pertimbangan kelulusan dalam Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) 2013.(rfa)

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Soal Ujian Nasional 2013 Ditambah Jadi 30 Paket

Ilustrasi Paket Ujian Naisonal. (Foto : Dok Koran SI)

DEPOK - Ada yang baru pada pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional (UN) kali ini. Paket soal yang tahun lalu berjumlah lima, kini bertambah empat kali lipat hingga 20 paket soal bagi tingkat SMP dan SMA.

Demikian diungkapkan Kabalitbang Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) Khairil Anwar selepas diskusi dalam kegiatan Rembuk Nasional Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (RNPK) 2013. "Tahun ini tidak lagi lima paket soal tapi kami buat 20 paket bahkan kami siapkan 30 paket soal," ujar Khairil di Pusat Pengembangan Tenaga Kependidikan (Pusbangtendik) Bojongsari, Depok, Selasa (13/2/2013).

Dia menyebutkan, saat ini soal UN 2013 telah sampai pada tahap perakitan. Dalam waktu dekat diharapkan soal-soal tersebut dapat rampung.

"Pertama, soal dibuat oleh para ahli kemudian diuji coba dan divalidasi. Saat ini baru sampai tahapan perakitan soal. Mudah-mudahan dalam waktu dekat sudah jadi," paparnya.

Mengenai percetakan, lanjut Khairil, saat ini masih memasuki tahap pencarian yang dilalukan melalui proses tender di pusat (Kemendikbud). Meski berlangsung di pusat, dia menyatakan, percetakan soal UN tidak hanya berpusat di Jakarta.

"Untuk percetakan boleh di mana saja asal memenuhi persyaratan. Hanya prosesnya saja terpusat di Kemendikbud. Di dalam menawarkan percetakan, dibagi menjadi enam paket dan ditenderkan kepada percetakan. Sudah banyak yang masuk dan dinilai. Saat ini tim kami tengah melakukan kunjungan ke percetakan-percetakan tersebut," urai Khairil.

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30 Paket Soal Tak Mampu Tangkis Kecurangan UN

SMS kunci jawaban yang beredar pada UN 2012 lalu. (Foto: dok. Okezone)

JAKARTA – Salah satu perubahan dalam pelaksanaan ujian nasional (UN) tahun ini adalah pemerintah menyiapkan hingga 30 paket soal UN. Tahun lalu, hanya lima paket soal yang digunakan dalam UN.

Langkah pemerintah untuk mengantisipasi kecurangan UN ini mengundang kontroversi. Salah seorang guru yang kontra dengan kebijakan tersebut adalah Retno Listyarti, pengajar di SMAN 13 Jakarta. Menurut Retno, perubahan variasi soal UN tetap tidak akan dapat mengantisipasi kecurangan-kecurangan saat UN dilaksanakan. "Dengan cara apa pun pemerintah mengantisipasi agar tidak terjadi kecurangan UN, keputusan itu adalah hal yang tidak mungkin," ujar Retno ketika dihubungi Okezone, Rabu (13/2/2013).

Sekjen Federasi Serikat Guru Indonesia (FSGI) ini mengimbuh, tahun lalu dia melaporkan berbagai kecurangan pada pelaksanaan UN 2012 yang dibantah keras oleh pemerintah. Namun, kata Retno, pemerintah kemudian malah mengeluarkan berbagai kebijakan untuk mengatasi kecurangan UN.

"Itu kan namanya pemerintah menyadari adanya kecurangan tetapi tidak mau menanggapinya," imbuh Retno.

Dia menilai, penambahan paket soal tidak akan mengurangi kecurangan. Langkah ini justru akan menambah gila praktik kecurangan UN mengingat UN masih dijadikan sebagai standar kelulusan siswa.

"Seharusnya UN tidak dijadikan sebagai standar kelulusan, namun sebagai pemetaan oleh pemerintah agar kecurangan-kecurangan tidak terjadi lagi," tuturnya. (Ahmad Rifky/Okezone) (//rfa)

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Peretas "Anonymous Indonesia" Serang Sejumlah Situs Web Pemerintah

Peretas atau hacker telah merusak lebih dari 12 situs web pemerintah di Indonesia menyusul penangkapan seorang tertuduh hacker di Jawa Timur bulan ini.

JAKARTA — Analis mengatakan lemahnya keamanan dan solidaritas yang kuat di antara jaringan hacker bawah tanah merupakan inti permasalahannya.

Di salah satu negara yang paling melek media sosial, kelompok  online 'Anonymous Indonesia'  telah menarik perhatian beberapa hari terakhir ini.

Dalam hitungan jam, kelompok itu merusak situs web dari tujuh departemen pemerintah dan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia.

Alih-alih masuk ke laman resmi, pengguna situs web disambut oleh tokoh berjubah dengan kata-kata tertulis disampingnya  "No Army Can Stop an Idea.”

Peretasan yang terkoordinasi itu dipandang sebagai pembalasan atas penangkapan Wildan Yani Ashari, 22 tahun, yang sebelumnya meretas website presiden pada bulan Januari.

Seorang dosen media sosial yang memusatkan pada gerakan online bawah tanah, Donny Bu mengatakan solidaritas di antara hacker Indonesia adalah kuat.

"Bahkan jika Anda tidak tahu peretas yang lainnya, jika salah satunya dari komunitas bawah tanah, atau hacker bawah tanah itu ditangkap dan menjadi 'terkenal' di media, maka komunitas bawah tanah lainnya akan menggunakan isu itu untuk menyuarakan pernyataan mereka,” papar Donny Bu.

Kelompok Anonymous Indonesia dan para pendukungnya melakukan protes menentang  penangkapan Wildan melalui  twitter dan jaringan media sosial lainnya.

Mereka mengatakan adalah tidak adil bahwa Wildan diancam hukuman  hingga lima tahun penjara sementara para pejabat yang korupsi selalu bisa seenaknya melenggang  dengan hukuman yang jauh lebih ringan.

Karyawan sebuah kafe internet di Jawa Timur, Wildan  yang berumur 22 tahun itu dikenai tuduhan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Transaksi Elektronik dan Informasi tahun 2008.

Meskipun para pengecam mengatakan hukuman pada apa yang sebenarnya adalah sebuah  lelucon itu  terlalu berat, Menteri Komunikasi Indonesia Tifatul Sembiring mengatakan kepada VOA bahwa Wildan harus dihukum sepantasnya.

"Komunitas online Indonesia  mencoba membandingkan antara hukuman bagi koruptor dan hukuman bagi hacker. Ini adalah masalah serius karena, Anda tahu, jika polisi atau pengadilan tidak menghukum orang ini mungkin hacker lain akan mencoba untuk melakukan sesuatu yang akan mengganggu jaringan internet kita,” kata Tiffatul.

Tiffatul mengatakan ada 36,6 juta kejadian peretasan terhadap website pemerintah pada tahun 2012.

Namun, analis keamanan dunia maya mengatakan bahwa sebagian besar insiden ini merupakan kasus 'online graffiti', atau tulisan-tullisan online, lelucon yang dilakukan   remaja. Hanya sedikit yang terlibat dalam kejahatan yang lebih serius seperti penipuan keuangan online, kata analis dunia maya Budi Rahardjo.

"Hacking di Indonesia adalah umum, seperti di tempat lain di dunia, sebagian besar dilakukan oleh anak-anak muda yang mencoba untuk membangun jati diri mereka. Kebanyakan dari mereka meretas website hanya untuk menunjukkan jati diri mereka, selain itu mereka tidak melakukan hal yang merugikan lainnya,” ungkap Budi.

Budi mengakui bahwa website pemerintah banyak yang tidak aman dan menjadi sasaran empuk bagi hacker yang berketerampilan rendah.

Namun, ia mengatakan, saat ini  kita  tidak perlu menjadi seorang programmer canggih atau hacker terampil untuk melumpuhkan situs web pemerintah.

Menteri Komunikasi Tifatul Sembiring mengatakan ia memiliki tim yang bekerja 24 jam sehari untuk mengamankan firewall situs pemerintah.
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Pada 30 Juni 1908, sebuah bola api raksasa jatuh dari langit dan menghujam sebuah hutan di Siberia. Bola api tersebut ternyata adalah sebuah asteroid yang turun jatuh ke bumi dan mampu menghanguskan hutan seluas ibu kota Indonesia.

Tercatat setidaknya pohon-pohon yang berdiri dalam radius ratusan kilometer rata dengan tanah dan tercipta sebuah kawah berukuran besar. Sejak saat itu, fenomena misterius itu dinamakan Kejadian Tunguska.

Sebenarnya apa yang terjadi? Apakah hal tersebut sama dengan yang dialami penduduk Rusia pagi kemarin?

Jika dilihat dari fenomenanya, kejadian di Tunguska pada 1908 dan yang terjadi di Rusia pagi ini diakibatkan oleh benda yang sama. Yaitu, meteor jatuh yang meledak ketika menyentuh permukaan bumi.

Bedanya, meteor yang jatuh di Tunguska diperkirakan ukurannya sangat besar sehingga mampu menimbulkan kerusakan seperti ledakan akibat sekumpulan TNT seberat 5 sampai 30 megaton. Sedangkan yang terjadi di Rusia, meskipun kecil ternyata juga mampu mencederai 102 penduduk dan merusakkan bangunan dan rumah yang dilaluinya.

Meteor bisa meledak?
Ya, menurut (28/11/2008), sebuah blog sains yang diprakarsai oleh National Geographic, ketika sebuah meteor mendatangi bumi, meteor tersebut akan bergerak sangat cepat karena gaya tarik bumi yang begitu besar. Hal ini akan menyebabkan sang meteor tersebut mampu bergerak hingga 11 sampai 72 km/detik menuju bumi.

Namun, sebagai pelindung terluar bumi, atmosfer akan mencoba melawan gaya tersebut dan memperlambat laju meteor sembari membakar habis material pembentuk meteor tersebut. Itulah mengapa meteor jatuh selalu terlihat mengeluarkan cahaya mengkilat, seperti yang terekam dalam kejadian di Rusia hari ini.

Sayangnya, jika material pembentuk meteor tersebut terlalu banyak tersusun oleh es maupun CO2 kering, suhunya akan meningkat drastis dan mendidih. Suhu inilah yang menyebabkan molekul di dalam meteor tertekan dan mencoba untuk keluar. Sehingga, terjadilah ledakan yang sangat kuat tersebut.

Seperti yang terlihat dari kejadian di Rusia, nampaknya ukuran meteor yang jatuh ini cukup besar sehingga tidak habis terbakar di atmosfer. Untungnya, ledakan yang dihasilkan tidak parah meskipun mampu merusak bangunan dan mencederai beberapa orang.

Yang patut diperhatikan, apakah masih ada kemungkinan meteor-meteor selanjutnya kembali jatuh dalam waktu dekat. Hal ini dikarenakan munculnya prediksi asteroid 2012 DA14 yang akan mendekati bumi pada 16 Februari 2013 ini.

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Meteor Jatuh di Rusia Cederai 1.200 Orang

Chelyabinsk - Sebuah meteor menerobos atmosfir dan meledak di angkasa kawasan Rusia Tengah, Jumat (15/2) waktu setempat. Meteor itu menimbulkan hujan bola api di sebuah kawasan luas dan gelombang hentakan yang memecahkan kaca-kaca jendela, serta merusak sejumlah bangunan dan mencederai lebih dari 1.000 orang.

"Warga yang sedang pergi ke tempat kerjanya di Chelyabinsk mendengar suara seperti ledakan, melihat cahaya terang, dan kemudian merasakan gelombang hentakan," kata seorang koresponden Reuters di kota industri itu, yang terletak sekitar 1.500 kilometer sebelah timur Moskow.

Bola api yang menurut badan antariksa Rusia, Roscosmos, melesat dengan kecepatan 30 kilometer per detik itu, tampak menerangi cakrawala, meninggalkan jejak putih panjang yang bisa dilihat hingga jarak 200 kilometer. Suara alarm mobil meraung-raung, kaca-kaca jendela pecah, dan jaringan telefon seluler terganggu saat kejadian itu. Sementara Kementerian Dalam Negeri Rusia menyatakan, ledakan meteor yang merupakan fenomena sangat langka itu, juga menimbulkan dentuman sonik.

"Meteor itu, yang memiliki berat sekitar 10 ton dan mungkin terbentuk dari besi, memasuki atmosfir bumi dan pecah sekitar 30-50 kilometer di atas tanah," ungkap pihak Akademi Sains Rusia pula.

 Tidak ada laporan mengenai korban tewas, namun Kementerian Urusan Darurat Rusia mengatakan bahwa 20.000 petugas penyelamat dan pembersih sudah dikirim ke kawasan itu, setelah Presiden Vladimir Putin meminta Menteri Urusan Darurat Vladimir Puchkov untuk mengatasi gangguan itu dan membantu korban. Kementerian Dalam Negeri Rusia sendiri mengatakan bahwa sekitar 1.200 orang cedera, sedikitnya 200 dari mereka anak-anak, dan sebagian besar terluka akibat pecahan kaca.

Kawasan Chelyabinsk dikenal telah lama menjadi tempat industri pertahanan dan militer Rusia, serta sering menjadi lokasi di mana bom-bom artileri dinonaktifkan.

Seorang pejabat Kementerian Urusan Darurat Rusia mengatakan, badai meteor itu tergolong sangat langka, dan insiden Jumat itu mungkin berhubungan dengan sebuah asteroid seukuran kolam renang Olimpiade yang belakangan banyak diberitakan melewati bumi. Namun, seorang astronom di Akademi Sains Rusia, Sergei Barabanov, menyatakan ragu atas laporan itu.

Barabanov mengatakan, tidak ada bukti yang mendukung teori bahwa meteor itu melesat bersama atau memisah dari asteroid tersebut. Badan Antariksa Eropa, dalam blog Twitter-nya, juga mengonfirmasi bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara meteor itu dan asteroid tersebut.

Meski langka, kawasan Rusia bukan baru kali ini berurusan dengan jatuhnya meteor ukuran besar dengan dampak hebat. Pada 1908 lalu, sebuah meteorit diperkirakan menghancurkan sebuah kawasan seluas lebih dari 2.000 kilometer persegi di Siberia, memecahkan kaca-kaca jendela hingga jarak 200 kilometer dari titik benturan.

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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ... Sahabat, ini ada 3 kisah tentang orang2 yg berpegang teguh kepada Al-Qur'an dan As Sunnah .. Gaya Penyampaiannya cukup unik dan membuat kita semua tersenyum ... selamat membaca ...


Didepan sekolah ada preman yang ingin membeli es cendol

Preman : Pak gw pesen es nya dong serebu !
Penjual es : iya sebentar saya buatkan dulu ya mas

Lalu terdengar suara adzan berkumandang, ALLAHUAKBAR ALLAHUAKBAR

Penjual es : Mas ini es nya. Silahkan !
Preman : Ahh..akhirnya

Penjual es : Mas saya tinggal dulu sebentar, saya mau solat
Preman : Hah ? yakin lu ? emang lu ga takut dagangan lu diambil orang ?

Penjual es : Saya lebih takut lagi kalau tidak dapat shaf pertama mas
Preman : Oohh…so swit. Paakk Gw ikut dong !

Dari Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah bersabda : “Kalau seandainya manusia mengetahui besarnya pahala yang ada pada panggilan (adzan) dan shaf pertama kemudian mereka tidak bisa mendapatkannya kecuali dengan undian maka pasti mereka akan mengundinya.

Dan kalaulah mereka mengetahui besarnya pahala yang akan didapatkan karena bersegera menuju shalat maka mereka pasti akan berlomba-lomba (untuk menghadirinya).

Dan kalaulah seandainya mereka mengetahui besarnya pahala yang akan didapatkan dengan mengerjakan shalat isya dan subuh, maka pasti mereka akan mendatanginya meskipun harus dengan merangkak.” (HR. Al-Bukhari no. 69 dan Muslim no. 437)



Saat liburan A diajak bosnya untuk makan di hotel mewah bersama B

A : Wahh keren banget nih hotel, gede cing !
B : Iyaaaa

A : Lu udah pernah makan di hotel belom ? Si bos mau traktir steak nih. Lu jangan ndeso ya !
B : Iyyaa mass

Setelah memesan, steak pun datang. A memegang garpu ditangan kiri dan pisau ditangan kanan sementara B sebaliknya

A : Dasar ndeso lu. Dimana-mana makan steak garpunya ditangan kiri, pisaunya dikanan

B : Enjeh saya tahu, tapi lebih baik saya ndeso dihadapan manusia daripada saya ndeso dihadapan ALLAH dan RASULULLAH

Dari Umar Bin Abu Salamah, Rasulullah saw bersabda : Hai anak muda, bacalah “bismillah”. Makanlah dengan mempergunakan tangan kanan dan ambilah dari piring yang berada dekat denganmu saja (H.R. Bukhari)

Dari Ibnu Umar, Rasulullah bersabda : Apabila kamu makan dan minum, makan dan minumlah dengan tangan kanan, karena hanya setan yang makan minum dengan tangan kiri (H.R. Muslim)


3. KORUPSI ....

sebentar lagi masuk kuliah, karena terburu-buru A tidak memakai helm

A : ayo cepetan, bentar lagi telat nih !
B : Lu yang lama, gw nungguin dari tadi !

Ketika di perempatan Ring Road Utara, A melihat kanan kiri. Sementara B deg-degan takut kena tilang polisi

A : Mudah-mudahan aja ga ada polisi


Polisi : Stop ! bisa lihat surat-suratnya mas ? sudah tahu kesalahannya ?

B : Iya pak maaf, tadi buru-buru sih jadi lupa

Polisi : Mas kami tilang
A : Udah damai aja damai

Polisi : Astagfirullah

Karena cuaca panas, Pak polisi mengajak mereka duduk dan minum es sebentar

Polisi : Gaji saya memang tidak terlalu besar, tapi Alhamdulillah, Allah mencukupkan kebutuhan keluarga saya. Memang ada teman yang gelap mata, mamakan uang damai, uang suap, uang keamanan. Tapi ada juga yang tegas menolak, kami sadar uang panas, ujung-ujungnya membakar. Membakar kehormatan kami, anak-anak kami dan akhirnya membakar diri kami.

Zaman rasul menggelapkan sepotong baju atau jarum saja bisa masuk neraka, apalagi uang suap berkali-kali. saya juga takut suatu ketika terbawa arus, saya ingin mengundurkan diri. Tapi di Indonesia ini bagian mana yang benar-benar bersih. Jadi saya bertekad untuk bertahan dan berladang kebajikan. Disini mungkin golongan seperti kami tidak terlihat masyarakat. Tapi ALLAH MAHA MELIHAT

B : Huuuaaa….Pak kami rindu sosok polisi seperti bapak. Alhamdulillah masih ada polisi baik

A : Tilang saya pak ditilang 100 pun saya ikhlas
Polisi : Loh ???

Rasulullah bersabda : Barang siapa yang kami angkat di antara kamu memangku suatu jabatan, lalu disembunyikannya terhadap kami sebuah jarum atau yang lebih kecil dari itu, maka perbuatannya itu adalah penggelapan. Dia akan datang pada hari kiamat membawa barang yang digelapkanya itu (H.R Muslim)

Wallahu’alam bishshawab, ..
Semoga kita dapat mengambil pengetahuan yang bermanfaat dan bernilai ibadah ....

Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah, ...

Salam Terkasih ..
Dari Sahabat Untuk Sahabat ...

... Semoga tulisan ini dapat membuka pintu hati kita yang telah lama terkunci ...

~ o ~

Semoga bermanfaat dan Penuh Kebarokahan dari Allah ...
Silahkan DICOPAS atau DI SHARE jika menurut sahabat note ini bermanfaat ....

.... Subhanallah wabihamdihi Subhanakallahumma Wabihamdika Asyhadu Allailaaha Illa Anta Astaghfiruka Wa'atuubu Ilaik ....
Salam Anak IT.. J
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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day is HARAM for Muslims

What is it and where did it come from?
Consider Valentine's Day, a day that after dying out a well deserved death in most of Europe (but surviving in Britain and United States) has suddenly started to emerge across a good swath of Muslim countries. Who was Valentine? Why is this day observed? Legends abound, as they do in all such cases, but this much is clear: Valentine's Day began as a pagan ritual started by Romans in the 4th century BCE to honor the god Lupercus. The main attraction of this ritual was a lottery held to distribute young women to young men for "entertainment and pleasure"--until the next year's lottery. Among other equally despicable practices associated with this day was the lashing of young women by two young men, clad only in a bit of goatskin and wielding goatskin thongs, who had been smeared with blood of sacrificial goats and dogs. A lash of the "sacred" thongs by these "holy men" was believed to make them better able to bear children.

As usual, Christianity tried, without success, to stop the evil celebration of Lupercalia. It first replaced the lottery of the names of women with a lottery of the names of the saints. The idea was that during the following year the young men would emulate the life of the saint whose name they had drawn. (The idea that you can preserve the appearance of a popular evil and yet somehow turn it to serve the purpose of virtue, has survived. Look at all those people who are still trying, helplessly, to use the formats of popular television entertainments to promote good. They might learn something from this bit of history. It failed miserably) Christianity ended up doing in Rome, and elsewhere, as the Romans did. The only success it had was in changing the name from Lupercalia to St. Valentine's Day. It was done in CE 496 by Pope Gelasius, in honor of some Saint Valentine. There are as many as 50 different Valentines in Christian legends. Two of them are more famous, although their lives and characters are also shrouded in mystery. According to one legend, and the one more in line with the true nature of this celebration, St. Valentine was a "lovers'" saint, who had himself fallen in love with his jailer's daughter.

Due to serious troubles that accompanied such lottery, French government banned the practice in 1776. In Italy, Austria, Hungry, and Germany also the ritual vanished over the years. Earlier, it had been banned in England during the 17th century when the Puritans were strong.

However in 1660 Charles II revived it. From there it also reached the New World, where enterprising Yankees spotted a good means of making money. Esther A. Howland, who produced one of the first commercial American Valentine's Day cards called--- what else--- valentines, in the 1840s, sold $5,000 worth--when $5,000 was a lot of money--the first year. The valentine industry has been booming ever since.
The history of Valentine's Day serves as a powerful lesson for Muslims. St. Valentine became a Saint trying to resist free sex. Even though there was an attempt to Christianize it, today St. Valentine's day is gone back to its roots. No one even knows that the Church even tried to ban the St. Valentine's Day. Rather, most people think of romance, cupid and his arrow, which are vestiges of pagan Rome.

Pagan origins of Valentine's Day
The first information about this day is found in pre-Christian Rome, when pagans would celebrate the "Feast of the Wolf" on February 15, also known as the Feast of Lupercalius in honour of Februata Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, Roman god of nature.

On this day, young women would place their names in an urn, from which boys would randomly draw to discover their sexual companion for the day, the year, and sometimes the rest of their lives. These partners exchanged gifts as a sign of affection, and often married.

Christian Influence
When Christianity came onto the scene in Rome, it wanted to replace this feast with something more in line with its ethics and morality. A number of Christians decided to use February 14 for this purpose. This was when the Italian Bishop Valentine was executed by the Roman Emperor Claudius II for conducting secret marriages of military men in the year 270.

Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, so he outlawed marriage for young, single men, who made up his military. Valentine defied Claudius and performed marriages for young couples in secret. When his actions were revealed, Claudius put him to death. Another version of the story says that Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who helped Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.

Valentine was arrested and sent to the prefect of Rome for this. He found that his attempts to make Valentine renounce his faith were useless, and so recommended he be beaten with clubs, and later beheaded. This took place on February 14, 270.

According to the Catholic encyclopaedia, there are at least three different Saint Valentines, all of whom are Christian martyrs of February 14. One of them is described as a priest from Rome (as mentioned above), another as bishop of Interamna (modern Terni), and the third from Africa.

It was in the year 496 that Pope Gelasius officially changed the February 15 Lupercalia festival to the February 14 St. Valentine's Day to give Christian meaning to a pagan festival. The holiday become popular in the United States in the 1800's during the Civil War.

As well, Pope Gelasius ordered a slight change in the lottery for young women that would take place during the pagan festival. Instead of the names of young women, the box would have the names of saints. Men and women were allowed to draw from the box, and the purpose of this was to copy the ways of the saint they had selected for the rest of the year.

Valentine's Day Customs
A number of the customs connected to Valentine's Day originate in the belief in England and France during the middle Ages, that on February 14, birds began to pair.

Fourteenth and 15th centuries' French and English literatures make indirect references to the practice. Those who chose each other as husband and wife on Valentine's Day apparently called each other their Valentines.

In terms of the Valentine's greeting "Your Valentine" which today you find on a number of Valentine's Day cards, the above-mentioned Roman priest Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself.

While he was in prison awaiting execution, he apparently fell in love with a young girl who would visit him. Before he died, he allegedly wrote her a letter, signed 'From your Valentine,' In terms of the virtually naked, arrow-shooting cupid character, which shoots people with its arrows to make them fall in love, this character is a vestige of Roman pagan times. Cupid was described as the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty. You usually find Cupid's picture on Valentine cards and other paraphernalia .

Islamic Perspective
We should avoid anything associated with pagan immoral practices - We do not need to honour or celebrate the death of a Christian "saint" - Islam does not encourage flirting or suggestions of romantic relationships before marriage - Love between families, friends and married people does not need to be celebrated on a day with such un-Islamic origins.

Question: In recent times, celebration of the Valentine Day has spread, particularly among female students. It is a Christian celebration, and it is (manifested) with fully red costumes, clothing and shoes, and exchange of red roses. What is the ruling on celebrating this holiday ?
Answer: Celebrating the Valentine Day is not permissible because:
Firstly, it is an innovated holiday that has no basis in the Sharee?ah.
Secondly, it calls to love and passion.
Thirdly, it calls to keeping one's heart busy with nonsense matters which contradict the guidance of the righteous predecessors, may Allah be pleased with them.

So it is not permissible that anything from the signs of that holiday takes place on that day, whether it relates to eating, drinking, clothing, giving gifts, or other than that. It is incumbent upon the Muslim to be proud of his/her religion and that he/she does not blindly follow every crier. May Allah the Exalted protect Muslims from every trial, apparent and hidden, and that He give them protection and guidance. Ameen.

Some people celebrate Yawm al-Hubb (Valentine's Day)on February 14 [the second month of the Christian Gregorian calendar] every year by exchanging red roses as gifts. They also dress up in red clothing, and congratulate one another (on this occasion). Some sweet shops produce special sweets - red in colour - and draw hearts upon them. Some shops advertise their goods which are specially related to this day. What is the Islaamic view [concerning the following]: Celebrating this day? Buying from these shops on this day? Selling - by shop-owners who are not celebrating - the things which are used as gifts, to those who are celebrating?
The clear evidence from the Qur.aan and Sunnah - and this is agreed upon by consensus (Ijmaa') of the early generations of the Muslim Ummah - indicates that there are only two 'Eeds in Islaam (days of celebration): 'Eed al-Fitr (after the fast of Ramadhaan) and 'Eed al-Adhaa (after the standing at 'Arafah for pilgrimage).

Every other 'Eed - whether it is to do with a person, group, incident or any other occasion - is an innovated 'Eed. It is not permissible for the Muslim people to participate in it, approve of it, make any show of happiness on its occasion, or assist in it in any way - since this will be transgressing the bounds of Allaah: " ...and whoever transgresses the bounds of Allaah, he has wronged his own self," [Soorah at-Talaaq, Aayah 1]

If we add to this fabricated 'Eed the fact that it is one of the 'Eeds of the disbelievers, it is sin upon sin. This is because it is Tashabbuh (imitation) of the disbelievers, and a type of Muwaalaat (loyalty) to them. And Allaah has prohibited the believers from imitation of them and having love or loyalty for them in His Mighty Book (Qur.aan). It is also confirmed from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu ?alayhe wa sallam) that he said: " Whoever imitates a people is one of them."

'Eed al-Hubb (the celebration of Valentine's Day) comes under the category of what has been mentioned here, since it is one of the pagan Christian holidays. Hence it is not permissible for any Muslim, who believes in Allaah and the Last Day, to participate in it, approve of it, or congratulate (anyone on that occasion). On the contrary, it is obligatory to abandon it and stay far away from it - in response to Allaah and His Messenger, and to distance oneself from the anger of Allaah and His punishment.

Additionally, it is forbidden for a Muslim to assist or help in this Valentine's Day, or any other of the forbidden/illegal celebrations in any way whatsoever - whether by food or drink, selling or buying, production, gift-giving, correspondence, announcements, etc. All of these things are considered as co-operating in sin and transgression and disobedience of Allaah and His Messenger. Allaah, the Glorious and Most High, says:
"... and co-operate with one another in righteousness and piety, and do not co-operate in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah! Verily Allaah is severe in punishment," [Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 2]

Likewise, it is obligatory for every Muslim to adhere strictly to the Qur'aan and Sunnah in every situation - especially in times of temptations and corruption. It is incumbent that he/she understand, be aware and be cautioned from falling into the deviations of those whom Allaah is angry with and those who are astray and the immoral people who have no fear of punishment - nor hope of reward - from Allaah, and who give no attention at all to Islaam.

It is necessary for the Muslim to flee to Allaah, the Most High, seeking His Hidaayah (Guidance) and Thabaat (Firmness) upon the Path. Verily, there is no Guide except Allaah, and no One Who can Grant Firmness except Him.

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Types of Lung Disease

I will share health articles on Types of Lung Disease. Hopefully Types of Lung Disease can be beneficial to the reader a good article. Here's the full article about Types of Lung Disease

Symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, or pain in the chest may indicate that there is something wrong with your lungs. With detect faster, it will help make the disease is not getting old and getting worse. The following information about the various problems and their lung padaparu prevention and solutions, may be helpful to detect the health of your lungs.

Tuberculosis (TB)
Cause: TB disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease can be transmitted through saliva splashes when the patient coughs.
Symptoms: Coughing up phlegm for more than three weeks. It can also be accompanied by a cough that bleed. Patients have fever especially in the afternoon or evening, sweating at night. Decreased appetite, resulting in a thin body.
Prevention and solutions: If there is a friend, neighbor or family members who have these symptoms, you should be advised to consult a doctor to find out if the cough is TB disease or not. Because sometimes cough disease is often considered trivial, but this disease can kill a person if not treated and can be transmitted to others.
Treatment: Treatment for TB when it is caught early is not too expensive and easy to cure because there are already drugs provided by the government. If needed, people with TB may also be quarantined in a special place so as not to transmit the disease.

This disease is actually also one of the diseases that have been conquered, but later returned to attack. One is because tuberculosis is not spending their medications. The medicine must be taken regularly for 6 to 9 months to cure this disease. Not spending medications can cause the patient can not recover and lead drug can no longer fight germs because germs become resistant.

Cause: The cause of asthma is a temporary narrowing of the airways that can cause the sufferer to feel shortness of breath. Vascular constriction occurs in the throat. Heredity plays an important role in the disease, when there is a parent or grandparent who suffer from this disease can be reduced to a child or grandchild.

Allergic to something like dust, temperature changes, humidity, excessive exercise or emotional stress can cause allergies so that the membranes lining the vessels to swell and secrete excessive mucus so that vessels become narrower and people with breathing difficulties. Despite the shortness of breath attacks can go away, but a heavy attack if left untreated can lead to death because the patient can not breathe.
Symptoms: Shortness of breath accompanied by wheezing sound (wheezing) Prevention and solution: Avoid things that can cause allergies in people, causing asthma attacks. For example, by cleaning the dust on the mattress, pillow or blanket. Avoid temperature and humidity extremes, animals accepted or foods that may cause allergies.
Treatment: To overcome an asthma attack is to use a reliever medication (bronchodilator) by inhaled. The other way is to do a therapy that will teach you how to relax and catch your breath in case of an asthma attack. When asthma is severe, it can use reliever medication every day until an asthma attack can be controlled. Thus, it is advisable for the sufferer to always carry a reliever medication wherever he went for immediate use in case of an attack.

Cause: Disease bronchitis due to inflammation of the bronchi (the tubes that carry air into the lungs). The reason could be due to bacterial infection, bacteria or viruses. Other causes include cigarette smoke, dust, or air pollutants.
Symptoms: Cough with fever or yellow phlegm when caused by bacterial infection. Meanwhile, when is chronic, productive cough and shortness of breath for several months to several years.
Prevention and solutions: Improve endurance is one of the precautions that can be done. Meanwhile, to prevent chronic bronchitis is to stop smoking also avoid secondhand smoke in order not to become passive smokers are very dangerous.
Treatment: For the treatment when it is caused by bacteria or germs can be overcome by taking antibiotics as directed by your doctor. When caused by a virus, commonly used drugs to relieve the symptoms.

Cause: Pneumonia is an infection that occurs in the lung tissue (parenchyma) caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Generally caused by the bacteria streptococcus (Streptococcus) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria.
Symptoms: Coughing up phlegm with thick and yellow sputum, chest pain, and shortness of breath are also accompanied by high fever.
Prevention and solutions: Always maintain cleanliness and keep the immune system stay strong can prevent bacteria can not penetrate the defense health. Make it a habit to wash your hands, eat a nutritious diet or exercise regularly.
Treatment: When was suffering from pneumonia, is usually cured by taking antibiotics.

Cause: Emphysema is caused by loss of elasticity in the alveoli. Alveoli themselves are bubbles present in the lungs. In patients with emphysema, lung volumes greater than healthy people because of carbon dioxide should be expelled from the lungs trapped inside. Cigarette smoke and the lack of the enzyme alpha-1-antitrypsin is a cause of loss of elasticity in the lungs.
Symptoms: Shortness of breath in a long time and can not be cured with commonly used reliever medication shortness of breath. Decreased appetite and weight loss are also commonly experienced by patients decreased emphysema.
Prevention and solutions: Avoiding secondhand smoke is the best way to prevent this disease. Quitting smoking is also very important.

Lung Cancer
Cause: Cancer has become a deadly disease, even lung cancer is the first killer compared to other cancers. Tumor cells or cancer that grows in the lungs experienced by patients with lung cancer. Cancer can grow in this tissue and can spread to other parts.

The main cause is cigarette smoke contains many toxic substances and inhaled into the lungs and have been accumulating for decades causing mutations in airway cells and cause cancer cells.

Another cause is the radioactive radiation, toxic chemicals, stress or heredity.
Symptoms: Coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, fatigue and weight loss. But as in other cancer types, the symptoms are generally only visible when the cancer has grown large or spread.
Prevention and solutions: Avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke are also a lot of nutritious foods that contain lots of antioxidants to prevent cancer cells.
Because lung disease primarily caused by cigarette smoke, then you should immediately stop this habit and do not try to start for those who never smoked Belm. Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke for an even more dangerous than active smokers. Love your lungs, avoid lung disease, and you can breathe more freely.
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Heavy Metal Waste

Development activities aimed at improving the welfare of the people who carried out through long-term development, which is based on the development in the industry. Industrial development in the party will produce useful goods for public welfare and on the other hand, the industry also produces waste. Among the waste generated by industrial activities are B3.

Hazardous and toxic waste (B3) is the remnant of a business and or activities that contain hazardous or toxic and because of the nature and amount or concentration and or, either directly or indirectly and can pollute or damage the environment, and may be dangerous or environment, health, human survival and other living creatures (PP. 18 Year 1999 Jo PP. 85, 1999.

Heavy metals are natural components of the environment are gaining attention due to excess is added to the soil in amounts increased and the possible dangers posed. Heavy metals refers to metals that have a higher density of 5 or 6g/cm3. But in fact within the meaning of these heavy metals, also included metalloid elements that have hazardous properties such as heavy metals that amount totaled approximately 40 species. Some of these toxic heavy metals are As, Cd. Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn.
In general, heavy metal has been used widely, especially in chemistry and industry. According Palar (1994), heavy metals generally have the following characteristics:
a. has a good ability as a conductor of electricity (conductors)
b. have a high density.
c. Can form alloys with other metals
d. For heavy metals can be forged and shaped
Elements or contained metal content in the atmosphere is found in the form of particles or a compound. Metallic element found widely across the earth's surface that can be toxic to humans if dangerous entry into the body where the metal is usually found in food, water and air.
Chromium (Cr)
Chromium (Cr) is a hard gray metal. Chromium present in the glass industry, metal, photography, and electroplating. In industry, chromium is needed in two forms, pure chromium and chromium irons alliance called ferokromium whereas pure chromium metal is never found in nature. Chromium itself is actually not toxic, but its compounds are highly irritant and corrosive. Inhalation of chromium can cause damage to the nasal bone. In the lungs, chromium can cause cancer. For heavy metals, including chromium metal has a high toxicity. Toxicity owned by chromium is determined by the valence of the ion. Metal Cr6 + is the most widely studied due to its toxic nature Cr6 + is a powerful toxic and can result in acute poisoning and chronic poisoning. (Soemirat, 2002).
Chromium has the electron configuration 3d54s1, very hard, has a melting point and a high boiling point above the melting point and the boiling point of the transition elements of the first row of the other. Important oxidation states of +2, +3 and +6. if in pristine condition with very slow dissolves in dilute acid to form salts of chromium (II). (Achmad, Hezekiah, 1992).
The compounds can be formed by chromium have different properties according to its valence. Compounds are formed from metal Cr +2 will be alkaline, in an aqueous solution of chromium (II) is a strong reductant and easily oxidized in air to a compound of chromium (III) by the reaction:
2 CR2 + (aq) + 4H + (aq) + O2 (g) + 2 Cr3 + (aq) + 2 H2O (l) ........... (1)
Compounds that form ions chromium (III) or Cr 3 + ion is amporter and is the most stable among the other transition metal cations as well as in solution, these ions exist as () [] +362 OHCr green. Compounds are formed from metal ions Cr6 + will be acid. Cr3 + can be precipitated in the form of hydroxide. Chromium hydroxide is not soluble in water at optimal conditions of pH 8.5 to 9.5 but will dissolve higher at low pH or acidic conditions. Cr6 + is difficult to settle, so the handling of the reducing agent required to Cr3 + Cr6 +. (Palar, 1994).
Zinc (Zn)
Zinc (Zn) is obtained metal among others in alloy industry, ceramics, pigments, rubber, and others. Substantially lower Zn toxicity. The body needs zinc for metabolic processes, but high levels can be toxic. Zinc causes water color becomes opalescent, and when cooked will arise sediments such as sand. (Soemirat, July, 2002).
Zinc is a Bluish-white, shiny metal, Zinc is a metal such as silver is widely used in the stainless steel industry in order, to make brass, making heat-resistant cans and so on. Brittle at ambient temperature but soft at a temperature of 100-150 ° C. It is a konduktur electricity and burning high in the air on a red-hot glow.
Metal zinc (Zn) are available commercially so it is not up to par to make it in the laboratory. Most production of zinc sulphide ore based. Zn roasted in industrial plants to form zinc oxide, ZnO. This reduced with carbon to form zinc metal, but needed practice ingenious technology to ensure that the resulting zinc oxide containing impure.
ZnO + C → Zn + CO ......................... (2)
ZnO → Zn + CO + CO2 ......................... (3)
CO2 + C → 2CO ......................... (4)
Another type of extraction is electrolytic. Decomposition of crude zinc oxide, ZnO, in sulfuric acid to zinc sulfate, ZnSO4. Elektrolisi ZnSO4 solution of using aluminum cathode and silver anode mixed with tin to form pure zinc metal coated aluminum. Oxygen gas liberated at the anode.
Copper (Cu)
Copper with the chemical name cupprum denoted by Cu. The metal is shaped crystal with a reddish color. In chemistry, the compounds formed by Cu (copper) has a valence number +1 and +2 are insoluble in cold water or hot water, but they can be dissolved in acid solution. Cu is the best conductor of electricity after silver (Argentum-Ag), Cu therefore widely used in the field of electronics or electrification. In humans, the effects of poisoning caused by exposure to dust or fumes. Cu was atrophic damage to the mucous membranes associated with the nose. Damage that is the result of a combination of irritating properties owned by the Cu dust or vapor. (Palar, 2004).
In general, sources of Cu entry into the environment is a natural order and non-natural. Here is the entry of Cu into nature:
a. Cu naturally fit into an order of the environment as a result of natural events. This element can be derived from the erosion events (erosion) from mineral rocks, from the dust or particulates and Cu are present in the layer of air that goes down with rain.
b. In non-natural Cu into an order of the environment as a result of a human activity. Pathways of human aktfitas to include Cu into the environment there are a variety of ways. One way is to discharge by industries that use Cu in the production process.
Lead (Pb)
Lead or in everyday life known as the lead, in scientific language called Plumbum. Formerly used as a constituent in the paint, batteries, and is currently widely used in gasoline. Organic Pb (TEL = Tetra Ethyl Lead) intentionally added to gasoline to increase the octane rating. Pb is a systemic poison which is known by way of revenue every day can be through food, water, air and tobacco smoke inhalation. The effects of Pb poisoning can cause brain damage and diseases associated with the brain, such as epilepsy, hallucinations, brain damage is great. (Palar, 2004).
Lead is used in industry as a coating material for crafting materials from the soil because of the low temperature coating materials can be used. Now many are also used as a coating tapes, because they have the attitude resistant to corrosive materials and battery materials, paint. The most important compounds are (CH3) 4PB and (C2H5) 4PB made in large quantities for use as an "antiknock" in the fuel.
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Ford Motor Company

2012 Earnings: Third Quarter
In October 2012, Ford Motor Company reported a flat profit in the third quarter, as heavy losses in Europe continued to undercut its strong performance in the North American market.
Ford, the second-largest American automaker, stated that it earned $1.63 billion in the quarter compared with $1.64 billion in the same period the previous year. Its global revenue dropped slightly, to $32.1 billion, down from $33.1 billion in the third quarter of 2011.
The results underscored both Ford’s success in its home market and its festering problems in Europe, where the auto market has fallen to its lowest sales levels in nearly 20 years.
Ford said its pretax profit in North America increased to $2.32 billion in the quarter from $1.55 billion in 2011. The results were driven by the introduction of new vehicles, like the Escape S.U.V., and higher transaction prices.
But its European operations floundered because of lower sales and higher incentives. Ford reported a pretax loss of $468 million in the region, compared to a pretax loss of $306 million in the third quarter of 2011.
Ford has lost more than $1 billion in Europe so far in 2012 and has said it expects its full-year loss to top $1.5 billion.
Earlier in October, Ford broke from the pack of troubled European automakers in October 2012, announcing deep cuts that include shutting three factories in the region and eliminating 5,700 jobs.
The Ford Motor Company, founded in 1903 by Henry Ford, is one of the largest auto makers in the world.
During a time of crisis throughout the auto industry in recent years, Ford emerged as the sole American automaker in a position to survive the steepest sales downturn in decades without a government bailout. That helped the company improve its reputation and win new customers.
Ford passed Toyota as the No. 2 seller in the United States in 2010. Sales by Ford grew 15.2 percent that year, even though it sold Volvo and closed the Mercury brand.
The company had outsold G.M. in February 2010, something that had not happened in more than 50 years, aside from several months in 1998 when G.M. workers were on strike.
In 2006, Ford made a bet-the-company decision to borrow $23.6 billion, putting even the company’s fabled blue logo up as collateral. That money helped Ford move more quickly than General Motors or Chrysler to bring out new lines of more fuel-efficient vehicles, and, more crucially, provided a cash cushion when the car market tanked along with the economy in late 2008.
Ford also shifted its strategy to focus on its core brands and sold off luxury brands, including Jaguar and Land Rover to the Tata Group of India for $2.3 billion in 2009. In March 2010, Ford reached an agreement to sell its Volvo subsidiary to a Chinese conglomerate.
In September 2012, Ford announced several new products to bolster its struggling European division, including introducing its iconic Mustang sports car to the Continent.
The initiative was unveiled by Ford’s chief executive, Alan R. Mulally, at a lavish event attended by 2,500 of Ford’s European dealers in Amsterdam.
The product blitz included a series of new passenger cars, sport utility vehicles and commercial vehicles designed to help Ford expand its sales in the weakening European market.
Ford, like several other automakers, has tried to stabilize its business in Europe during the worst downturn in sales in more than 15 years. The aggressive product strategy is intended to lift sagging sales and demonstrate Ford’s commitment to the region.
Over all, the company is expected to have 15 of its global vehicles on sale within five years and will also introduce its fuel-efficient EcoBoost engines to the market.
History: The Good Years as No. 2
For decades, Henry Ford’s company was the world’s No. 2 automaker, a strong runner-up to General Motors and a pillar of American corporate stability. In early 2009, it emerged as the sole American automaker in a position to survive the steepest sales downturn in decades without a government bailout.
The company had been through rough patches before, recovering in the 1950s from the neglect of its founder’s later years, and fighting in the 1970s and early ’80s to fend off waves of Japanese imports.
The 1990s were, at first glance, a good time for Ford, as its Taurus was the dominant passenger car of the decade’s early years and sales of its high-margin sport-utility vehicles, minivans and trucks rose and rose.
The Troubles Begin
In 1999, Ford was hit by exploding Firestone tires on its Ford Explorer, which had been the most popular sport utility in the country. For more than a year, Ford traded angry accusations with Firestone over who was at fault for the problem. The situation helped oust Jacques A. Nasser, the company’s chief executive. Mr. Nasser angered Ford employees with aggressive steps he argued were needed to change the company, and a downturn began from which Ford was slow to recover.
In 2006, Toyota passed Ford in United States sales. Lower sales and declining margins combined with rising spending on health care and retirees drove all American carmakers into a corner, but perhaps Ford most of all. It reported losing a staggering $12.6 billion. At the start of the year, Ford had announced a restructuring plan involving shedding 30,000 hourly jobs and 14,000 salaried workers, about one-third of its labor force.
Later that year, it raised $23.6 billion in loans by putting many of its most cherished North American assets up as collateral, including the Ford logo. Although the economy was healthy then, Mr. Mulally, its new chief executive, said the money would give Ford “a cushion to protect from a recession or other unexpected event.” At the time, the request was considered an act of desperation. But the $23.6 billion turned out to be Ford’s salvation. Because of that money, Ford is in far better shape than General Motors and Chrysler. The loans kept it independent and on a course to survive the worst new-vehicle market in nearly 30 years.
The Losses Mount
As a result of the biggest sales slump in decades, Ford lost $14.6 billion in 2008, making it the worst year in its history. It finished 2008 with $24 billion in cash on hand but $25.8 billion in debt and said it did not need federal aid unless the economy worsened significantly.
Ford and leaders of the United Automobile Workers announced an agreement in February 2009 under which the company could substitute its stock for as much as half of its payments into a retiree health care trust. The U.A.W.’s Ford members accepted the agreement, which also required court approval.
Revamping Its Balance Sheet
Ford said it hoped to eliminate as much as $10.4 billion in debt by giving cash and stock to debt holders as part of a revamping of its balance sheet. The moves, announced in March 2009, were similar to what General Motors and Chrysler were required to do under their multibillion-dollar loans from the federal government. As a result, Ford reduced its overall borrowing by 40 percent.
In a reflection of the financial stress on the auto industry, Ford offered its bondholders far less than the debt was originally worth. But under the terms it proposed, holders of its debt would still fare better than they would if they sold their debt for its current market value.
Analysts said that Ford’s debt initiatives, and the earlier agreement it secured with the United Automobile Workers union, reinforced its status as the healthiest of Detroit’s automakers. Ford said it would put up $2.2 billion in cash, including $1.8 billion from its lending arm, Ford Motor Credit and 500 million shares of stock to persuade bondholders and other creditors to accept its restructuring offer.
Mercury Models Discontinued
Ford announced in June 2010 that it would discontinue selling Mercury models, ending a 71-year-old brand that once stood for innovation and speed but that later became a “me, too” division.
Mercury came to life during the Depression, when Ford was striving to keep pace with General Motors, which had passed Ford to become the country’s top-selling automaker. At its cultural height in the 1950s, Mercury became known for innovative cars like the Turnpike Cruiser, whose features included a power rear window, the “seat-o-matic” adjusting seat, and the “Merc-o-matic” automatic transmission.
Mercury sales peaked at 580,000 in 1978, also a year of record hourly employment for the Detroit auto companies. In 2009, Ford sold fewer than 93,000 Mercury models.
Challenges in Europe
Through nimble production methods and well-regarded products, Ford has been able to avoid many of the woes that have beset its archrival General Motors and its Opel unit in Europe. Such woes include years of eye-popping losses, plunging market share and noisy labor discord.
Nevertheless, Ford presents a vivid example of how difficult it is to manage a car company in Europe these days. The European debt crisis and widespread regional recession have sapped the buying power of middle-class Europeans who should be Ford’s best customers.
The European economic crisis has been particularly harsh on the middle-class drivers who make up the core market for Ford, as well as for other midrange European carmakers like Fiat, Renault or PSA Peugeot Citroën.
Some categories of buyers have been practically wiped out. In Spain, for example, every second young person is unemployed, depressing the supply of first-time buyers for models like the Ford Ka, a small four-seater, or the Fiesta compact, which is by far Ford’s best-selling model in Europe.
Europe’s overall car market has shrunk significantly since 2007. Then, West Europeans purchased 18 million cars. In 2011, they bought 15.3 million. Those declines are inevitably hurting profits.
A crucial question is whether sales of midrange autos will recover in Europe or whether there is a permanent change in the market’s structure that could trouble Ford and its rivals for years.
Sales of premium brands like BMW or Audi have held up better than lower-priced cars, because affluent buyers have not suffered as much from the poor economy. Meanwhile, carmakers like Hyundai of Korea are gaining share in the lower end of the market. The Hyundai i30 compares well with the Ford Focus but starts at about €15,500, or $20,500, which is about €1,500 less than the least expensive Focus.

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Water Fuel Technology Future

"... And I believe that one day, the water can be a fuel of the future"
- Jules Verne, author of the science-fiction novel Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864)

Since hundreds of years ago, without us knowing it, there is no technological invention that a vehicle be fuel efficient and environmentally friendly. If there is such a Hybrid Car Cell, the price is not affordable for the public. Indonesia is the most wasteful use of fuel. According to data from the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), the supply of fossil energy resources in Indonesia is estimated will last only a few tens of years. Gas supplies in Indonesia can only last about 30 years, coal fuels about 50 years, and the most worrying is the fuel supply can only last about 11 years.

Gasoline and diesel fuel including fossil fuels that can not be renewed, the existence of which must be conserved for future generations. Limitations of oil supplies and rising consumption of fuel consumption, causing oil prices to soar high and uncontrollable. Today we have seen the fuel. Oil a luxury item in several regions in Indonesia. And worse yet, when oil prices rise, the price of the necessities of life increased. Indonesia needs renewable energy sources and optimizing the quality of the environment. Water Fuel Technology is one solution which is currently still being developed and refined.

History of Record:
2006 to 2008, Water Fuel technology to the attention of countries lover fuel efficient. Voll John Bosco in Palu, Central Sulawesi, has successfully applied this technology to the bike. Ir. Winning FX Agus Santoso, Jogja, managed to push the fuel consumption up to 15% with Fuel Air. And lastly, Joko Suprapto in Nganjuk, East Java, managed to find a biofuel technology (fuel sea water).

Hydrogen On Demand (HOD) or Hybrid Water is the fuel-saving technology with a mixture of pure water fuel, and diesel or gasoline, especially those intended for motor vehicles (motorcycles and cars). With HOD, the combustion process in the engine to be perfect (not pollute the air). The core of this technology relies on the process of water electrolysis when the vehicle engine is turned on. From water electrolysis process that will produce a gas known as brown gas plants.

    In chemistry, the formula is brown gas HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). Brown is often also called Hydroxy gas, and the combustion can generate tons of energy that requires only electrical current is relatively very small. HHO proven safer, more economical, and easily controlled. If we try to detail, the process of water electrolysis, HHO gas formation is a combination of three main factors that work:

    1.Arus electrical direct current (DC) which flows through the three components of the work, the wire electrode.
     2. Vortex magnet (magnetic vortex) caused by the electrodes.
     3. Air Pressure (vacumm) coming from the engine.

History of Record:
Isaac de Rivaz (1805) the first to use the hydrogen to water elektolisa system. Enhanced by Nicola Tesla (1856-1943) and Stanley Meyer (1980-1998)

With the entry of brown gas into the engine combustion chamber, it will directly increase the rate or octane fuel. With the increase in the octane number, the power generated will be more powerful, since combustion becomes more perfect. Combustion piston if its closer to the top death center (TDC) will make the piston motion is not disturbed and the engine becomes smoother. Perfection fire was caused more by a slow combustion. In short, brown gas technology in the application of motor vehicles contribute more to normalize so that the engine work more efficiently.

With this method Water Hybrid, a car can be run using the water, with a few changes to the engine. Vehicles using this technology degrading levels of exhaust emissions and increase engine power. Internal combustion engine, has a low efficiency of 25% -30% (a modified form of the motion), the remaining 75% -80% in the form of pollution and carbon deposits (unburned fuel) heat, vibration (denotation), and noise (vibration). Only with 4 liters of pure water, you can increase the efficiency of vehicle fuel efficiency by 50%.

The electric power is very small of AKI can separate water into HHO gas or
In addition to the energy produced, the end of the process also releases water
HHO gas has the power 3 times more potent than gasoline

Hybrid Water is a powerful energy intensification eligible to immediately welcomed the public. In this case, the government is obliged to facilitate the licensing, even when necessary in order to facilitate this new technology will be a vibrant and exciting program. When Hybrid Water is a national program, many foreign countries to save on fuel.

As God's creatures the most perfect, the conditions and circumstances whatever should still function as a representative of God on earth: to protect and preserve nature. This technology has not been able to work on vehicles with a focus on water alone (half gas half water). And the electrolysis unit is still at the heart of the application of Hybrid Air-fuel technologies.

With the above explanation, hopefully to enrich our view of the importance of energy saving, finding new energy sources, and improve water and utilize technology as much as possible, for us and the earth.

I include in this writing contest Blog:
"Aqua Journalism Award 2012" 

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A Traffic Exchange (also known as Stock Hits) is an alternative to driving traffic to your website. By utilizing traffic exchanges you get more exposure for your website by looking at other people's websites. Therefore the 'exchange' word. You submit your site to directories traffic exchange along with thousands and sometimes millions depending on the stock you use and everyone gets to see their respective websites, thus providing an endless stream of hits to your page. Traffic exchanges are one of the most misunderstood traffic sources that exist today. Some say they do not work, while others say they provide their business with much needed traffic. As with other marketing methods, you have to make them work and is based on your experience and the application of that knowledge. All persons using traffic exchanges to increase sales of an existing business either directly or indirectly. People crave free traffic and that's what TE provides!
Effective Use of Traffic Exchanges
The key to using the TE is to understand that the people who will see your website will only do it for a few seconds. Instead of sending people to your website that actually, it's better to send them to a page advertising aimed specifically designed for the exchange of traffic. These ads should create enough curiosity to bring prospects to your main page where they will have more time to browse and check out your offerings. The pages of the most effective advertising is what is known as a squeeze page, splash page or capture page. This is a page that captures the viewer's attention with the simple title, description and a form to opt-in email autoresponder system. This way you create curiosity, capture their details and bring them to your main web page. It allows you to develop a process of communication with potential customers who opt-in to your splash page. Very often people will just go to your website and buy what you offer. This process works best from time to time after exposure has been shown for a number of prospects Anda.Singkatnya, Traffic Exchange is mainly to be used to build a list of prospects for a period of time and add value to your offer.

Valuable Traffic Exchanges
There are thousands of traffic exchanges out there to choose from, but very few can deliver the results you are looking for when it comes to increasing traffic to your site. It is highly recommended that you focus your efforts on 5-10 from the great. Ideally, you want to have your site appear on the stock 24-7. As you expand and grow your business, you can expand your presence in more traffic exchanges to build traffic to your splash page. Here are some of the best traffic exchange we suggest:
• Dragon Surf
• Traffic-Splash
• Advertising Know How
• StartXchange
• Traffic Bunnies
This exchange is a great starting point to help you generate more customers to the site Anda.Yang experienced you become, the more you can expand your customer base.
Traveler Traffic Exchanges
There are companies available online that the whole business has been created around evaluating and ranking services from other businesses. Some examples of companies ranking Traffic Exchange:
• Traffic Testers
• Traffic Exchange List
• Traffic Exchange Hoopla
Top Key Tips to Maximize Your Results
1. Use the TE to promote YOU
2. Offer something of value.
TE is not good to sell, per se. They are good for:
• Build your brand
• Build your list - Multimedia is a great way to be a game changer
Top 10 Expert Tips
1. Master the five locations at one time and take full advantage of all the features: - Visit the site - Full profile - Visit social networking sites TE - Participate in chat sites visited - Use all the credit.
2. When choosing this TE, TE is the largest not necessarily the best, sometimes about how active members are, ease of use, the opportunity to get a referral - what comp plan is offered.
3. Always use a link tracking to evaluate effectiveness.
4. Always use URL Rotator - site only allows you to play five sites, where five URLs in five rotator accommodate 25 websites.
5. Strive to work with a budget of 1500 credits per month. A free member may need to visit the 3000, so you might consider getting a premium membership that provides credit and saving time.
6. PROMOTE YOUR TE - get some direction for improving your advertising budget and can be covered in this way.
7. It pays to upgrade if you have a referral upgrade some (you often get a higher commission rate if you upgrade that includes fees). Utilize social sites.
8. USE A CAPTURE PAGE - graphics are designed to work better with TE surfers with a low attention span and build your list.
9. Use it as a time management tool - delegate sloppy surf so much time you can spend better lead your team.
10. Once you've mastered the five TE, not again - and try to be consistent with what you're advertising - does not look like a jumper program.
Manual Recommended Traffic Exchanges
Mastering the art of brand YOU Relationship Marketing is the Key to Success! TE (traffic exchange) is a tremendous resource for networking. At sites like & you can obtain valuable feedback about the website pages that you are promoting and while you surf to earn ad credits on your own.

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Technology on Future

Will Master Touch Screen Technology 2013
Technology is not going to ever stop to grow and innovate. Computer technology touch screen technology will dominate in 2013 along with the continued development of computer technology. Windows 8 operating system which was launched in October 2012 and became a huge leap in computer technology. Microsoft's latest operating system already supports the presence of a variety of new features including support for touch-screen features (touch-screen). Along with it, popping various computers, both desktops and laptops that can be operated through the functions supplied gestures on the touch screen, at the end of 2012.

Entering the 2013's, computer technology will certainly continue to grow. Electronic annual International CES Exhibition 2013 to be held in Las Vegas, USA, on 8-11 this month will be a benchmark of the picture electronic products that will be the trend for the coming year.
Not only smartphones and tablet devices are using the touch screen, eventually all desktop and laptop computers will use this technology. The presence of Windows 8 as paving the way for touch-screen technology to continue to grow.
Estimated at CES 2013, many vendors will showcase its latest products that support this technology.
Year 2013 is expected to present more flexible laptop. Flexibility is the ability of a laptop meant that can be folded, bent, twisted, beyond that already in the year 2012.
One of the products with the ability to do that has been released this year through Lenovo Yoga. The device was previously on display at CES 2012 and appeared on the market in mid-year.
 All-in-One PC

The computer model as it has you can see the Apple iMac and has been emulated by a number of other computer manufacturers. With the release of Windows 8, expected to further encourage more computers all-in-one plus additional features touch-screen.
However, slight differences can be seen in certain products such as the Sony Vaio Tap has 20 releases in 2012. This device is actually seen as a giant tablet with a touch-screen measuring 20 inches.

Intel processor

During these processors made ​​by Intel has been the brains of the computer desktop / laptop. In the past year 2012, Intel began to expand its market by embedding new processor to several Android-based smartphone devices. In the year 2013, it seems that Intel wants to further strengthen its position in the processor market, ranging from computers to smartphones and tablets.
Intel will continue to develop the Ivy Bridge CPU hers with key skills in electrical efficiency. At CES 2013 Intel could show off Ivy Bridge with 10 watts of power.
Processor manufacturer AMD will continue to strive to pursue his main rival, Intel, in this year. Latest AMD processors that have been released in the market in 2012 was not so public interest in terms of both performance and price.
Estimated that in 2013 AMD will be able to make a good surprise for the computer industry with the world's better-performing product launch, but at a price that remains
Tablet today already has two touch screens at once, such as the Sony tablet. But in the future, it is not likely the touch screen will consist of three or even more. All three screens can be folded so that the shape will be quick. When opened, the touch screen is too large.

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Electric car

Electric car technology is the technology of the future and eventually will lead to the automotive industry there. It was repeatedly emphasized by the National Energy Council (DEN) Dalimi Rinaldi in an interview with Jafei B. Wuysang of Economy News. However, according to Rinaldi, the government should not only be immersed in the euphoria of the national electric cars, but also trying to prepare adequate infrastructure if the technology began to be applied. Here are excerpts of an interview with Professor Jafei Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, recently.

Why such a national electric car industry going nowhere?
Electric car technology is the technology of the future. I believe it's the tip of the electric technology is an electric machine. The problem, as long as the industry begins with the combustion engine cars. Combustion engines are combustion engines that use. Of combustion that happens piston movement, and the movement of the piston moving wheels. Thus, it is growing. Thus, the need for greater oil.
The discovery that the electric motor is long, but its use for a new car recently. In fact, for the two-wheeler or motorcycle, now there are some areas in China that do not allow the use of oil-fueled motorcycle. Thus, the development of technology will be there and we need to anticipate it.
But, once we got to the turn of fuel oil to electricity, demand for electricity will be doubled. Moreover, Indonesia's household electricity needs are still great. Thus, once inserted the need for energy transport, take the readiness of the power plant. It should be anticipated. To be prepared in terms of the generation, if not, then more complicated

So, we are not yet sufficient electricity infrastructure to accommodate electric cars?
Yet. The inclusion of electric cars in large numbers it would interfere with the planning of electricity and disrupting the ability of the government to meet the electricity needs of the community. For the needs of the non-transport electricity, the government is overwhelmed.
Thus, when viewed from the side of the electrical energy use more efficient and cleaner, an electric car it's positive. However, in terms of the readiness of the government or the national electricity company, there will be a problem if the government is trying to meet those needs by changing the use from oil to electricity on a large scale for the transport.
Therefore, the Minister of SOEs are now declared it could not just watch from the environmental aspects for the conversion of fuel to electricity in transportation. There must be careful planning that combines the electricity development planning in Indonesia.

Next year the plan PT Pindad will produce 10,000 electric motors for use in electric cars. When viewed from the side of the supporting infrastructure readiness, can be overtaken or not?
Perhaps caught up, but it should be set on how many hours of battery electric car that may be in-charge. Peak load or the maximum power usage is usually at night until 24.00 and after that began to fall. Thus, there must be a setting in order to charge the battery of electric cars is not done during peak loads. For example, should only be filled from 1:00 am until 06:00 am or from 15:00 till 18.00 pm. It will not interfere. So, we use the electricity for the car at the time outside peak times.
So, then there must be cooperation between the car in-charge and the electric company. There should be a setting called load management. If so, can.

Do you think it's feasible electric car program?
F easible, but then do not like the program biofuel / biofuel. It formed the national team, has been declared by the President, has been given the funds, but what steps after the raw materials for biofuels so, not prepared. So, do not just think of the production car, but also how to think about it later to supply electrical energy. How to load his management later. There must load management. Otherwise, it would disrupt the electricity needs for the home and industry.
 I saw an electric motor is actually more feasible for Indonesia, because if the car was usually travels far. We'll see Dahlan Iskan experiments using electric cars to the office, but it was in the middle of the road, on Jl. Sudirman, Jakarta, his car broke down because the battery is depleted and can not run the car again. These things are not too good in the early stages like this. In the meantime, if you rarely use the bike for hours. Motorcycles are also more widely used for short distances, so that if focused into a motorcycle, may be more positive.

What about the resistance of the established auto industry?
Yes, there's a business competition that will all use electric cars. Competition like this business, many automotive companies are now controlled combustion engine technology that has been very good and spend a lot of money to achieve it. So, if we're quick to power, then he's not ready for it, she would be harmed.
I see China is more advanced in the field of electric motors. Maybe because they do not really play in the conventional automotive industry. I see a lot of electric motors used in China. We also find here lots of electric motor products from China. In a shopping mall Mangga Dua, Jakarta, the selling price 5 million, while previously Rp 7 million.
We have to think positive. Do not let the prospect of an electric car is like our mass transit program. Many auto industry is not happy when we make a mass transportation, because then people will be less to buy a motorcycle and a car. If we continue to follow them, eventually as it is now, we do not have mass transportation, because it is always hampered.
Thus, there is a business competition here. For industries that have not mastered it, he would say electric vehicles to flourish and have a lot of weaknesses. It's got a weakness, especially of the battery technology is not ready. However, developed countries now spend a lot of research to produce a more efficient battery. In fact, with nanotechnology, the battery does not need to be large, can be smaller, but its great.
If the nanotechnology, it is successfully created, the manufacture of electric cars be a lot easier. Because, if for the electric motor, the technology already exists, but battery technology to assist the electric motor is not ready. However, I believe it will get there.
I saw perhaps for the initial stages will be used first hybrid vehicle that uses electricity and fuel as well. So, when the car was no power, he is driven by electricity, and when the car was put on fuel, he had the opportunity to charge the battery to gain power.
In the early stages, it may be more effective hybrid vehicles. Indirect 100% to electricity. Dahlan Iskan car used 100% electric. Then, once the battery runs out, the vehicle does not go. However, if hybrid vehicles, once the battery runs out, it could be the vehicle with gasoline, and by the time she road with gasoline, he had the opportunity to charge the battery. Actually, it's much like a hybrid car, but still expensive. However, if the calculated ratio of efficiency, in the long term, the owner may be better off because even though car prices are expensive, but the price of fuel is much cheaper.

How a solution to the inadequate power infrastructure?
I do not know the government's plan, if later the car was in-charge at their homes or government create a technology that makes the car can not be in charge at home but should be in-charge in a separate charger bases.
If it will be in-charge in homes, should be arranged so as not to over-charge at night. Because, if the evening, later will rise and peak load power plant up and could lead to rolling blackouts. This should be discussed with PLN and PLN should be involved. Could not be any charge the battery anytime and anywhere. I see the problem is not in the technology, but on the readiness of the infrastructure to charge the batteries. PLN should know the result of the addition of electric load production of electric cars later.
However, I support a national electric car program because the program was good. Indonesia should prepare it well, including the car industry. Do not we'll be tech electric vehicle market from China or Taiwan. They sell, we use only. Readiness of the electric car industry should also be prepared because it is the technology of the future. I'm sure we'll 100% electric cars, cars. The engine will power the machine. Staying later the electrical source from the sun or the other. There is no doubt to that. 

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