Thursday, February 14, 2013

Religion middle Moderenisitas

In the midst of the modern era of the all this time, religion may have started to be forgotten by the people. Or they put religion only and sekuleritas status alone is not a guide to life, true Muslims should follow the times are there to be offset perdakwahan or inter-religious socialization.

But dizaman has become modernity, globalization dizaman life is indeed profitable, but losses could be mengarahkankan us into the pit of hell. Science technology and knowledge is very beneficial to us because it can be shared with the western world, because with the technology that has advanced this world nothing is blocking and we can communicate easily with inter-religious.

While the loss itself is certainly very dangerous, even this disadvantage which are taken by our religious society. Influence of western dress, food or even spending their economies has become a trend of Islamic society. Food dizaman now the ammunition fast food favorite food of our people when it was full of disease, and spending their economies by causing wasteful extravagant, wasteful when people who are friends of Satan.

Muslim women's dress has now evolved to bloom, maybe not with models sexy clothes but the western world has invaded our modern Moslem headscarf models that are tight or do not comply with the terms diajaran Islam. Since fashion trends are very quickly accepted because the ads that have proliferated dimasyrakat, if not followed will be obsolete. How Muslims respond to this order peruhal Religion pulse flowing didenyut this but we remain a society of modernity that is not obsolete.

Answering this question may come back to mind yourself, because it concerns our true faith and test trials that exist on earth are we able to avoid or even easily fall. Dizaman of globalization we might be smart to choose which one, which could be beneficial for both the human world and the Hereafter later. Hereafter is not harmful later in the dress because the dress has been addressed nakedness hard and determined no one can dodge this command.
Let us together religious Islam in the eyes of the world wake up, awaken Islam as it used to be the master of science and technology and knowledge so that we can control the modernity that is controlled by the West. And when we do not seek knowledge menyampinkan your religion ordain religious life in the veins, blood and your breath so you useful science and religion will be guiding the way that makes the science that will develop far.
And we should be able to stay away from the doctrine of the Western world that we want to make Islam the modernity but has been away from the Shari'a Al-Quran and Hadith, and middle age is also modernity of Islamic people or provoked so easily swayed between people easily played off so that the Western world playing their game to destroy Muslims. This is a very dangerous dizaman globalization is all-powerful, be careful because we memlih culture can affect our faith and our thoughts on religion Kitsa own.

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